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Advanced Courses

Tasting Guide

A sensory analysis itinerary aimed at understanding and evaluating an Italian Espresso.


  • Knowledge of tasting techniques
  • Fundamental aspects of the sensory analysis
  • The five senses
  • Olfactory and tasting tests
  • Reality alteration mechanisms
  • Tasting session with subsequent analysis and discussion
  • Durata

    8 hours

  • Numero max partecipanti

    Maximum number of participants: 6

This course allows you to become a Caffè Dersut Barista Ambassador!

Discover all the advantages
Con questo corso puoi diventare Ambasciatore Barista Caffè Dersut!
Con questo corso puoi diventare Ambasciatore Barista Caffè Dersut!

The other Dersut Courses in the Category Advanced Courses

Barista caffè


Intensive Barista

coffee innovation


Not just Espresso

Barista caffè


Advanced Latte Art

Information Request

Fill out the form and a Dersut representative will contact you as soon as possible to explain all the details.